December 29, 2023 – International President’s Luncheon
May 18, 2023 – Career Day at Marshall Fundamental School
300 Students provided career advice from 12 Professionals through the day…wonderful day!
May 11, 2023 – Student Honor Awards
December 10, 2022 – Tournament of Roses Float Decorating with Key Clubs
October 20, 2022 – Kiwanis Club of Pasadena 102nd Anniversary
September 15, 2022 – Kiwanis members volunteer to help at Salvation Army Food Pantry
Pat Miller, Donna Matthews, Mel Matthews and Chris Kolbeck volunteer at Salvation Army Food PantryChris Kolbeck and staff at Salvation Army Food Pantry
July 9, 2022 – Kiwanis Club BBQ at Pat Miller’s home
The Club barbecue was a great success! We had 18 members and guests that attended, including Div. 10 Lt Governor Pat Foltyn and Div. 10 Lt Governor-elect, Doug Chadwick. Lots of delicious hamburgers, hotdog, salads and desserts. We also officially inducted our newest member, Noelia Santiago. Welcome to the Club, Noelia! Wen Chen and Lily Dong also joined us to check out our club.
July 7, 2022 – Wen Chen gives talk on human rights movement in China
June 30, 2022 – Kiwanis Club Social at Mijares
We had some surprise visitors at our Mijares social event on Thursday, June 30th. Stopping by for a visit were former Pasadena Kiwanis President, Casey Gregg and Division 10 Lieutenant Governor elect, Doug Chadwick. Laura’s daughter, Christina, also joined us for the event. Our newest member, Noelia Santiago, was also in attendance. Great time and great food. Let’s do this again!!
June 4, 2022 – Elizabeth House Carnival
May 19, 2022 – Student Awards
May 12, 2022 – Pasadena High School Astronomy Club speak to club
May 5, 2022 Campership Presentation to Boys and Girls Club of Pasadena
April 29, 2022 Wine and Cheese Social
Wine and Cheese Social
2022 Tournament of Roses Parade
The Kiwanis International Rose Parade float titled “Dream to Achieve.”Floats for the 2022 Rose Parade in Pasadena, California, were decorated with flowers, seeds, seaweed and other plant materials by volunteers from Kiwanis, Circle K International and Key Club.The Kiwanis International float rolled down Colorado Boulevard during the 2022 Rose Parade in Pasadena, California. Leaders from Kiwanis, Circle K International and Key Club participated in the New Year’s Day parade.Kiwanis International leaders gathered in Pasadena, California, for the 2022 Rose Parade. Leaders also attended a luncheon hosted by the Kiwanis Club of Pasadena. Left to right, Leah Reiser, vice president, Circle K International; Kyle Lank, president, Circle K International; Art Riley, immediate past president, Kiwanis International; Peter Mancuso, 2021-22 Kiwanis International president; Salma Eldeeb, Key Club president; and Melanie Kim, Key Club vice president.Student leaders from Circle K International and Key Club joined the fun in decorating the Kiwanis International float for the 2022 Rose Parade held January 1 in Pasadena, California. Pictured from front to back are Leah Reiser, vice president, Circle K International; Salma Eldeeb, president, Key Club; Melanie Kim, vice president, Key Club; and Kyle Lank, president, Circle K International.Melanie Kim, vice president of Key Club International, and Salma Eldeeb, president of Key Club International, sort materials that were used on the Kiwanis International float in the 2022 Rose Parade on January 1, 2022, in Pasadena, California.Salma Eldeeb, president of Key Club, sits in the Kiwanis International float during preparations for the 2022 Rose Parade in Pasadena, California.Leah Reiser, left, vice president of Circle K International, and Melanie Kim, right, vice president of Key Club International, waveto the crowd from the Kiwanis International float in the 2022 Rose Parade.Melanie Kim, vice president of Key Club International, waves to the crowd from the Kiwanis International float in the 2022 Rose Parade.
Floating away in the Rose Parade January 5, 2022 By Key Club International Vice President Melanie Kim and President Salma Eldeeb On January 1, we had the honor to ride alongside other Kiwanis family leaders on the 2022 Rose Parade float. Leading up to New Year’s Day, we met California-Nevada-Hawaii Kiwanis leaders and decorated the Kiwanis International float alongside hundreds of volunteers from Kiwanis and other organizations. Before we saw the float, we attended a luncheon hosted by the California- Nevada-Hawaii Pasadena Division. As we arrived, we were met with warm welcomes from everyone. It was an amazing opportunity not only to see the volunteers behind the New Year’s tradition but also community members. The sense of dedication and spirit for the parade we saw at the luncheon was evident while everyone decorated the float. We had only seen pictures and heard stories about how grand the floats were. Walking into the warehouse filled with so many floats was a spectacle we will never forget. Even though many of the floats we saw that first day were not finished, we were blown away by the variety of floral colors and textures. The floats were not just a collection of flowers but a combination of engineering and creativity. We were lucky enough to help decorate part of the Kiwanis float. We spent a few hours gluing crushed yellow flowers to the side of the “dream boat,” then preparing vials that were used to preserve the flowers on the float. In addition, we prepped the flowers by shaking stems and blowing on leaves to help them bloom.
During this time, we were able to talk with the other volunteers. While they represented all ages and backgrounds, one thing was consistent: their love for the Rose Parade. Each volunteer had spent days and weeks working on floats. Unlike our onetime experience, this event is part of their tradition, and it was an amazing opportunity to be a part of it. Without everyone’s help, our float would not have been possible, and we thank every volunteer who gave up their spare time to help build lasting memories. Judging took place on New Year’s Eve. Wearing the same outfits as we would the next day, we hopped on our (almost) finished float to dance and wave for the judges. It was good preparation for the waving we would do during the parade. Heading back to the hotel, we took time to crank out the last of our college applications (go Class of 2022!) before turning in early; our call time was 3 a.m. in the lobby. Despite the insanely early wake-up time, riding the float was an amazing experience. Pasadena’s residents and tourists from all over the world lined the 5.5-mile route. Though our arms cramped from waving after a couple of hours, the smile on our faces stayed strong as we were fueled by the infectious joy of everyone involved. The fun did not end there; all the floats were parked at Pasadena High School for the FloatFest display. We were able to spend some time looking at the floats and handing out cards about Kiwanis to passersby. Overall, the Rose Parade was a once-in-a- lifetime experience, and we are extremely grateful to have been a part of it.
The Kiwanis International Rose Parade float titled “Dream to Achieve.”
Floats for the 2022 Rose Parade in Pasadena, California, were decorated with flowers, seeds, seaweed and other plant materials by volunteers from Kiwanis, Circle K International and Key Club.
The Kiwanis International float rolled down Colorado Boulevard during the 2022 Rose Parade in Pasadena, California. Leaders from Kiwanis, Circle K International and Key Club participated in the New Year’s Day parade.
Salma Eldeeb
Kiwanis International leaders gathered in Pasadena, California, for the 2022 Rose Parade. Leaders also attended a luncheon hosted by the Kiwanis Club of Pasadena. Left to right, Leah Reiser, vice president, Circle K International; Kyle Lank, president, Circle K International; Art Riley, immediate past president, Kiwanis International; Peter Mancuso, 2021-22 Kiwanis International president; Salma Eldeeb, Key Club president; and Melanie Kim, Key Club vice president.
Student leaders from Circle K International and Key Club joined the fun in decorating the Kiwanis International float for the 2022 Rose Parade held January 1 in Pasadena, California. Pictured from front to back are Leah Reiser, vice president, Circle K International; Salma Eldeeb, president, Key Club; Melanie Kim, vice president, Key Club; and Kyle Lank, president, Circle K International.
Melanie Kim, vice president of Key Club International, and Salma Eldeeb, president of Key Club International, sort materials that were used on the Kiwanis International float in the 2022 Rose Parade on January 1, 2022, in Pasadena, California.
Salma Eldeeb, president of Key Club, sits in the Kiwanis International float during preparations for the 2022 Rose Parade in Pasadena, California.
Melanie Kim Leah Reiser, left, vice president of Circle K International, and Melanie Kim, right, vice president of Key Club International, wave
to the crowd from the Kiwanis International float in the 2022 Rose Parade.
Kiwanis International leaders gathered in Pasadena, California, for the 2022 Rose Parade. Leaders also attended a luncheon hosted by the Kiwanis Club of Pasadena. Left to right, Leah Reiser, vice president, Circle K International; Kyle Lank, president, Circle K International; Art Riley, immediate past president, Kiwanis
International; Peter Mancuso, 2021-22 Kiwanis International president; Salma Eldeeb, Key Club president; and Melanie Kim, Key Club vice president.
Student leaders from Circle K International and Key Club joined the fun in decorating the Kiwanis International float for the 2022 Rose Parade held January 1 in Pasadena, California. Pictured from front to back are Leah Reiser, vice president, Circle K
International; Salma Eldeeb, president, Key Club; Melanie Kim, vice president, Key Club; and Kyle Lank, president, Circle K International.
Melanie Kim, vice president of Key Club International, and Salma Eldeeb, president of Key Club International, sort materials that were used on the Kiwanis International float in the 2022 Rose Parade on January 1, 2022, in Pasadena, California.
Melanie Kim, vice president of Key Club International, waves to the crowd from the Kiwanis International float in the 2022 Rose Parade.
January 13, 2022 Pat Miller’s Induction
December 30, 2021 International President’s Luncheon
Our International President’s lunch was a success! We had over 120 Kiwanis family members and guests. There were three Kiwanis International Presidents in attendance, Peter Mancuso (2021-2022), Art Riley (2020-2021) and Nelson Tucker (2006-2007). Also attending were 2021-22 Circle K International President Kyle Lank, 2021-22 Circle K International Vice President Leah Reiser, 2021-22 Key Club International President Salma Eldeeb and 2021-22 Key Club International Vice President Melanie Kim.
December 18, 2021 Salvation Army Bell Ringing
Salvation Army bell ringing at Macy’s S. Lake Avenue – Saturday, December 18th – 11 AM to 7 PM – Don Anderson and his daughter Ellen, Susan Lyte and her daughter Ingrid, Karen Drew and her daughter Sienna and Craig Wallace were our club volunteers for the event. We collected a total of $2,235 for the Salvation Army, which was the highest amount so far this year.
December 9, 2021 Tournament of Roses 2022 Queen and Royal Court
December 2, 2021 Open House
Adopt a Family 2021
The kids were so excited and jumping up and down as they saw the gifts. Mom and dad were speechlessShe was so excited and told us she had never seen so many Christmas giftsMom and daughter were so grateful and said they wished they could’ve met you all.Mom was so moved, she was in tears. She could not believe the whole table was for her and her kids.
Adopt a Family 2020
Huntington Hospital West Wing Tour 2007-08-232007-11-04 Villa Esperanza2012-12-29 International President Luncheon2014 Kiwanis Installation2015 Queen & Court
Photo and Video Gallery
Click here for link to all Pasadena Kiwanis Photos and Videos
Below are some of the photos in the Kiwanis Club of Pasadena Photo and Video Gallery
Video Links
W. Reid Allen Jr’s 97th Birthday Party
W. Reid Allen Jr’s Virtual Memorial Tribute
Kids Need Kiwanis – Kids Need Kiwanis (
Kiwanis Club of Pasadena 102nd Anniversary
May 16, 2024 – Student Awards
December 29, 2023 – International President’s Luncheon
May 18, 2023 – Career Day at Marshall Fundamental School
300 Students provided career advice from 12 Professionals through the day…wonderful day!
May 11, 2023 – Student Honor Awards
December 10, 2022 – Tournament of Roses Float Decorating with Key Clubs
October 20, 2022 – Kiwanis Club of Pasadena 102nd Anniversary
September 15, 2022 – Kiwanis members volunteer to help at Salvation Army Food Pantry
July 9, 2022 – Kiwanis Club BBQ at Pat Miller’s home
including Div. 10 Lt Governor Pat Foltyn and Div. 10 Lt Governor-elect, Doug Chadwick.
Lots of delicious hamburgers, hotdog, salads and desserts. We also officially inducted
our newest member, Noelia Santiago. Welcome to the Club, Noelia! Wen Chen and Lily
Dong also joined us to check out our club.
July 7, 2022 – Wen Chen gives talk on human rights movement in China
June 30, 2022 – Kiwanis Club Social at Mijares
visit were former Pasadena Kiwanis President, Casey Gregg and Division 10 Lieutenant Governor elect, Doug Chadwick. Laura’s daughter, Christina, also joined us for the event. Our newest member, Noelia Santiago, was also in attendance. Great time and great food. Let’s do this again!!
June 4, 2022 – Elizabeth House Carnival
May 19, 2022 – Student Awards
May 12, 2022 – Pasadena High School Astronomy Club speak to club
May 5, 2022 Campership Presentation to Boys and Girls Club of Pasadena
April 29, 2022 Wine and Cheese Social
2022 Tournament of Roses Parade
from Kiwanis, Circle K International and Key Club participated in the New Year’s Day parade.
president, Circle K International; Kyle Lank, president, Circle K International; Art Riley, immediate past president, Kiwanis
International; Peter Mancuso, 2021-22 Kiwanis International president; Salma Eldeeb, Key Club president; and Melanie Kim, Key Club vice president.
the fun in decorating the Kiwanis International float for the 2022 Rose Parade held January 1 in Pasadena, California. Pictured from front to back are Leah Reiser, vice president, Circle K International; Salma Eldeeb, president, Key Club; Melanie Kim,
vice president, Key Club; and Kyle Lank, president, Circle K International.
were used on the Kiwanis International float in the 2022 Rose Parade on January 1, 2022, in Pasadena, California.
in Pasadena, California.
Floating away in the Rose Parade
January 5, 2022
By Key Club International Vice President Melanie Kim and President Salma Eldeeb
On January 1, we had the honor to ride alongside other Kiwanis family leaders on the 2022 Rose Parade float. Leading up to New Year’s Day, we met California-Nevada-Hawaii Kiwanis leaders and decorated the Kiwanis International float alongside hundreds of volunteers from Kiwanis and other organizations. Before we saw the float, we attended a luncheon hosted by the California- Nevada-Hawaii Pasadena Division. As we arrived, we were met with warm welcomes from everyone. It was an amazing opportunity not only to see the volunteers behind the
New Year’s tradition but also community members.
The sense of dedication and spirit for the parade we saw at the luncheon was evident while everyone decorated the float. We had only seen pictures and heard stories about how grand the floats were. Walking into the warehouse filled with so many floats was a spectacle we will never forget. Even though many of the floats we saw that first day were not finished, we were blown away by the variety of floral colors and textures. The floats were not just a collection of flowers but a combination of engineering and creativity. We were lucky enough to help decorate part of the Kiwanis float. We spent a few hours gluing crushed yellow flowers to the side of the “dream boat,” then preparing vials that were used to preserve the flowers on the float. In addition, we
prepped the flowers by shaking stems and blowing on leaves to help them bloom.
During this time, we were able to talk with the other volunteers. While they represented all ages and backgrounds, one thing was consistent: their love for the Rose Parade. Each volunteer had spent days and weeks working on floats.
Unlike our onetime experience, this event is part of their tradition, and it was an amazing opportunity to be a part of it. Without everyone’s help, our float would not have been possible, and we thank every volunteer who gave up their spare time to help build lasting memories.
Judging took place on New Year’s Eve. Wearing the same outfits as we would the next day, we hopped on our (almost) finished float to dance and wave for the judges. It was good preparation for
the waving we would do during the parade. Heading back to the hotel, we took time to crank out the last of our college applications (go Class of 2022!) before turning in early; our call time
was 3 a.m. in the lobby.
Despite the insanely early wake-up time, riding the float was an amazing experience. Pasadena’s residents and tourists from all over the world lined the 5.5-mile route. Though our arms cramped from waving after a couple of hours, the smile on our faces stayed strong as we were fueled by the infectious joy of everyone involved. The fun did not end there; all the floats were parked at Pasadena High School for the FloatFest display. We were able to spend some time looking at the floats and handing out cards about Kiwanis to passersby. Overall, the Rose Parade was a once-in-a- lifetime experience, and we are extremely grateful to have been a part of it.
The Kiwanis International Rose Parade float titled “Dream to Achieve.”
Floats for the 2022 Rose Parade in Pasadena, California, were decorated with flowers, seeds, seaweed and other plant materials by volunteers from Kiwanis, Circle K International and Key Club.
The Kiwanis International float rolled down Colorado Boulevard during the 2022 Rose Parade in Pasadena, California. Leaders from Kiwanis, Circle K International and Key Club participated in the New Year’s Day parade.
Salma Eldeeb
Kiwanis International leaders gathered in Pasadena, California, for the 2022 Rose Parade. Leaders also attended a luncheon hosted by the Kiwanis Club of Pasadena. Left to right, Leah Reiser, vice president, Circle K International; Kyle Lank, president, Circle K International; Art Riley, immediate past president, Kiwanis International; Peter Mancuso, 2021-22 Kiwanis International president; Salma Eldeeb, Key Club president; and Melanie Kim, Key Club vice president.
Student leaders from Circle K International and Key Club joined the fun in decorating the Kiwanis International float for the 2022 Rose Parade held January 1 in Pasadena, California. Pictured from front to back are Leah Reiser, vice president, Circle K International; Salma Eldeeb, president, Key Club; Melanie Kim, vice president, Key Club; and Kyle Lank, president, Circle K International.
Melanie Kim, vice president of Key Club International, and Salma Eldeeb, president of Key Club International, sort materials that were used on the Kiwanis International float in the 2022 Rose Parade on January 1, 2022, in Pasadena, California.
Salma Eldeeb, president of Key Club, sits in the Kiwanis International float during preparations for the 2022 Rose Parade in Pasadena, California.
Melanie Kim
Leah Reiser, left, vice president of Circle K International, and Melanie Kim, right, vice president of Key Club International, wave
to the crowd from the Kiwanis International float in the 2022 Rose Parade.
Kiwanis International leaders gathered in Pasadena, California, for the 2022 Rose Parade. Leaders also attended a luncheon hosted by the Kiwanis Club of Pasadena. Left to right, Leah Reiser, vice president, Circle K International; Kyle Lank, president, Circle K International; Art Riley, immediate past president, Kiwanis
International; Peter Mancuso, 2021-22 Kiwanis International president; Salma Eldeeb, Key Club president; and Melanie Kim, Key Club vice president.
Student leaders from Circle K International and Key Club joined the fun in decorating the Kiwanis International float for the 2022 Rose Parade held January 1 in Pasadena, California. Pictured from front to back are Leah Reiser, vice president, Circle K
International; Salma Eldeeb, president, Key Club; Melanie Kim, vice president, Key Club; and Kyle Lank, president, Circle K International.
Melanie Kim, vice president of Key Club International, and Salma Eldeeb, president of Key Club International, sort materials that were used on the Kiwanis International float in the 2022 Rose Parade on January 1, 2022, in Pasadena, California.
Melanie Kim, vice president of Key Club International, waves to the crowd from the Kiwanis International float in the 2022 Rose Parade.
January 13, 2022 Pat Miller’s Induction
December 30, 2021 International President’s Luncheon
December 18, 2021 Salvation Army Bell Ringing
11 AM to 7 PM – Don Anderson and his daughter Ellen, Susan Lyte and her daughter Ingrid,
Karen Drew and her daughter Sienna and Craig Wallace were our club volunteers for the event.
We collected a total of $2,235 for the Salvation Army, which was the highest amount so far this
December 9, 2021 Tournament of Roses 2022 Queen and Royal Court
December 2, 2021 Open House
Adopt a Family 2021
Mom and dad were speechless
Adopt a Family 2020
2017 Queen and Court Luncheon Video
2008-2009 Photos
Kiwanis BBQ & Gidget Documentary 5-18-13
Kiwanis Luncheon – Gordon Squires on Caltech and Spitzer Infrared Telescope
Pasadena Kiwanis Student Awards 2012
Facebook Posts
Kiwanis Club of Pasadena Facebook Posts
Upcoming events
Kiwanis DCM
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Hernandez, Laura birthday
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Scott Bell Birthday
Matthews, Melvin birthday
Chris Kolbeck Kiwanis Anniversary
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Patrick Miller Wedding Anniversary
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Joe Moore-Kiwanis Anniversay-
Nani Sinha Birthday
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Melvin and Donna Matthews Wedding Anniversay
Chris Cabot Kiwanis Anniversary-
Kiwanis DCM
Yvette McDowell Kiwanis Anniversary -
Ryan Gahvaray Birthday
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Ingrid May Birthday
Ryan Gahvaray Kiwanis Anniversay
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Scott & Joy Bell Wedding Aniversary-
Chris & Cheryl Cabot Wedding Anniversary-
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Kiwanis DCM
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Marshall High School Kiwanis Anniversary
Don Anderson Birthday
Ross, Barry birthday
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Lyte, Susan J. wedding anniversary
Merrill Lynch Mica Quinto-Chan Kiwanis Anniversary
Nani Sinha Kiwanis Anniversary
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Harry Crusberg Jr. Kiwanis Anniversary
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Kiwanis DCM
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Jody Davis Birthday
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Lee, Anne birthday
Union Station Homeless Services Kiwanis Anniversary
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Villa Esperanza birthday
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Jeanie Edwards Kiwanis Anniversary
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Bob Riegel Birthday
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Jeanie Edwards Birthday
Chris & Jean Kolbeck Wedding Anniversary
Ingrid May Birthday
Harry Crusberg Jr. Birthday
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Bob Riegel-Kiwanis Anniversary
Kiwanis DCM
Grances Collins-Moore Birthday
Karen Drew Birthday
Frances Collins-Moore Kiwanis Anniversay
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Bill Ingram Kiwanis Anniversary
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Falardeau, George wedding anniversary
Yvette McDowell Birthday
Joe Moore Birthday
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Karen & John Drew Weddding Anniversary 2001
Kiwanis DCM
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Cristina Diaz Birthday
Barry Ross Birthday
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Melvin Matthews Kiwanis Anniversary
Bob & Donna Riegel Wedding Anniversary 10/10/70
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Boys & Girls Club of Pasadena kiwanis anniversary
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Bill Ingram Birthday
Susan Lee Kiwanis Anniversary
Union Station Homeless Services Kiwanis Anniversary
Hernandez, Laura kiwanis anniversary
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Don Anderson Kiwanis Anniversary
Susan Lee Birthday
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Jody Davis Wedding Anniversary
Bill & Dana Ingram Wedding Anniversary
Merrill Lynch Mica Quinto-Chan Birthday
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Harry Crusberg Jr. Wedding Anniversary
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Karen Drew Kiwanis Anniversay
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Kiwanis DCM
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Craig Wallace Kiwanis Anniversary
Patrick Miller Kiwanis Anniversary
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Pasadena Police Department Kiwanis Anniversary
Elizabeth House Kiwanis Anniversary
Kiwanis DCM
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Scott Bell-Kiwanis Anniversary-
Susan Lyte Kiwanis Anniversary-
Cyrus Afshin Kiwanis Anniversary
Patrick Miller Birthday
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Chris Kolbeck Birthday
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Kiwanis DCM
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Hernandez, Laura birthday
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center