Kiwanis Club of Pasadena Celebrated its 100th Anniversary in 2020
Kiwanis Club of Pasadena
What We Do
Villa Esperanza Services – we work with this organization to help disabled adults in Pasadena improve their self-esteem and help them to give back to their community through the Aktion Club
Union Station Homeless Services – we prepare, cook, and serve a monthly meal to homeless families at the shelter
Salvation Army – we ring bells each year to raise money for their charity.
Rosemary Children’s Services – we raise money for and provide assistance to this service that cares for foster children and adoption agencies to help children and adults succeed.
Elizabeth House – working with homeless, young mothers and their children through support and hope.
Camperships for Kids – we provide funding to send kids to summer camp who cannot afford to go on their own. Boys & Girls Club, Ability First and the Salvation Army
Student Awards Program – We provide annual scholarships to outstanding students from the schools around Pasadena.
Key Clubs that teach leadership skills to students from Marshall High School and La Salle
We offer a “Career Day” where we take the Key Club members to various businesses for the day to learn about different professions and then to a luncheon afterwards to debrief about their experiences.
We have a Circle K Club with Pasadena City College where these students provide community service and learn leadership traits.
Kiwanis Rose Float Project – we assist in preparing this international representation of Kiwanis while also being the host club for the President of Kiwanis International.
Other projects, i.e., Special Olympics, Boy Scouts, etc.
The Kiwanians of Pasadena work together to achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone. Our focus is to make Pasadena a better place to live.
Are you ready to join us?
Apply for Kiwanis club membership by calling Craig Wallace at 909-210-3250
What We Do
Kiwanis Club of Pasadena
What We Do
Villa Esperanza Services – we work with this organization to help disabled adults in Pasadena improve their self-esteem and help them to give back to their community through the Aktion Club
Union Station Homeless Services – we prepare, cook, and serve a monthly meal to homeless families at the shelter
Salvation Army – we ring bells each year to raise money for their charity.
Rosemary Children’s Services – we raise money for and provide assistance to this service that cares for foster children and adoption agencies to help children and adults succeed.
Elizabeth House – working with homeless, young mothers and their children through support and hope.
Camperships for Kids – we provide funding to send kids to summer camp who cannot afford to go on their own. Boys & Girls Club, Ability First and the Salvation Army
Student Awards Program – We provide annual scholarships to outstanding students from the schools around Pasadena.
Key Clubs that teach leadership skills to students from Marshall High School and La Salle
We offer a “Career Day” where we take the Key Club members to various businesses for the day to learn about different professions and then to a luncheon afterwards to debrief about their experiences.
We have a Circle K Club with Pasadena City College where these students provide community service and learn leadership traits.
Kiwanis Rose Float Project – we assist in preparing this international representation of Kiwanis while also being the host club for the President of Kiwanis International.
Other projects, i.e., Special Olympics, Boy Scouts, etc.
The Kiwanians of Pasadena work together to achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone. Our focus is to make Pasadena a better place to live.
Are you ready to join us?
Apply for Kiwanis club membership by calling Craig Wallace at 909-210-3250
Facebook Posts
Kiwanis Club of Pasadena Facebook Posts
Upcoming events
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Scott Bell-Kiwanis Anniversary-
Susan Lyte Kiwanis Anniversary-
Cyrus Afshin Kiwanis Anniversary
Patrick Miller Birthday
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Chris Kolbeck Birthday
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Kiwanis DCM
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Hernandez, Laura birthday
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Scott Bell Birthday
Matthews, Melvin birthday
Chris Kolbeck Kiwanis Anniversary
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Patrick Miller Wedding Anniversary
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Joe Moore-Kiwanis Anniversay-
Nani Sinha Birthday
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Melvin and Donna Matthews Wedding Anniversay
Chris Cabot Kiwanis Anniversary-
Kiwanis DCM
Yvette McDowell Kiwanis Anniversary -
Ryan Gahvaray Birthday
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Ingrid May Birthday
Ryan Gahvaray Kiwanis Anniversay
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Scott & Joy Bell Wedding Aniversary-
Chris & Cheryl Cabot Wedding Anniversary-
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Kiwanis DCM
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Marshall High School Kiwanis Anniversary
Don Anderson Birthday
Ross, Barry birthday
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Lyte, Susan J. wedding anniversary
Merrill Lynch Mica Quinto-Chan Kiwanis Anniversary
Nani Sinha Kiwanis Anniversary
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Harry Crusberg Jr. Kiwanis Anniversary
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Kiwanis DCM
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Jody Davis Birthday
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Lee, Anne birthday
Union Station Homeless Services Kiwanis Anniversary
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Villa Esperanza birthday
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Jeanie Edwards Kiwanis Anniversary
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Bob Riegel Birthday
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Jeanie Edwards Birthday
Chris & Jean Kolbeck Wedding Anniversary
Ingrid May Birthday
Harry Crusberg Jr. Birthday
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Bob Riegel-Kiwanis Anniversary
Kiwanis DCM
Grances Collins-Moore Birthday
Karen Drew Birthday
Frances Collins-Moore Kiwanis Anniversay
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Bill Ingram Kiwanis Anniversary
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Falardeau, George wedding anniversary
Yvette McDowell Birthday
Joe Moore Birthday
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Karen & John Drew Weddding Anniversary 2001
Kiwanis DCM
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Cristina Diaz Birthday
Barry Ross Birthday
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Melvin Matthews Kiwanis Anniversary
Bob & Donna Riegel Wedding Anniversary 10/10/70
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Boys & Girls Club of Pasadena kiwanis anniversary
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Bill Ingram Birthday
Susan Lee Kiwanis Anniversary
Union Station Homeless Services Kiwanis Anniversary
Hernandez, Laura kiwanis anniversary
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Don Anderson Kiwanis Anniversary
Susan Lee Birthday
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Jody Davis Wedding Anniversary
Bill & Dana Ingram Wedding Anniversary
Merrill Lynch Mica Quinto-Chan Birthday
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Harry Crusberg Jr. Wedding Anniversary
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Karen Drew Kiwanis Anniversay
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Kiwanis DCM
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Craig Wallace Kiwanis Anniversary
Patrick Miller Kiwanis Anniversary
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Pasadena Police Department Kiwanis Anniversary
Elizabeth House Kiwanis Anniversary
Kiwanis DCM
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Kiwanis Lunch Meeting
Kiwanis Board Meeting
Scott Bell-Kiwanis Anniversary-
Susan Lyte Kiwanis Anniversary-
Cyrus Afshin Kiwanis Anniversary
Patrick Miller Birthday
Kiwanis Dinner Meeting
Chris Kolbeck Birthday
Serving Dinner at Union Station Family Center
Kiwanis DCM